Tiger Tiger on sale in aid of Tiger Tracks

On Saturday, I was at St Pancras Station with Lauren St John, who was doing readings to help raise awareness for Tiger Tracks.

Lauren St John reading

Lauren St John reading

    Tiger Tracks is the world’s largest tiger event. It is part of a huge last effort to try and save the tiger. There are

 only 3,500 wild tigers left. On current course, tigers will be extinct within 10 years. It was particularly poignant that Saturday’s event was aimed at children. It seems incredible to me that without urgent action future generations will only experience these magnificent, iconic creatures in books and films.

  As part of her involvement in the event, Lauren donated a wonderful story about a tiger.  I provided the colour cover illustration and a pen and ink drawing for the back and inside cover. It was fantastic for me to see my illustration on the cover of a book for sale in Foyles. If you haven’t already been down to St Pancras, do go, and while you are there, buy a copy of Tiger Tiger. All profits go to the cause.

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